Sunday 14 June 2015

P10P Review: Color Club 0-60 Speedy Top Coat and Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat

I felt like nail polish top coats didn't really deserve a full post on their own, so since I finished these 2 during P10P, I thought I would post about them together. Both of these are fast drying clear top coats.

Color Club 0-60 Speedy Top Coat
I originally got this on Amazon, but it has gotten a lot more expensive and harder to find, so that's something to consider. I got it because it is supposed to be very fast drying, but toulene free, which is better for you. I liked this, but it didn't give as glossy a shine and took longer to dry as compared to the Seche Vite, but was still faster than a standard top coat. I would say it takes about 10-15 minutes before I was comfortable that it was dry to touch, and maybe about 30 minutes before I was comfortable with it being completely dry. I do tend to estimate upwards as I am a paranoid nail painter, but overall I quite liked this. However, I would not repurchase unless I decided to go toulene free, or something.

Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
A very well known product in beauty circles as it dries quickly and has a very glossy finish. I like this a lot, even though there is toulene in it. I just make sure that I paint my nails in an aerated area and I try not to breathe in as much of the fumes as possible. I feel like this is dry to touch in 3-8 minutes, and completely dry in about 25-30 minutes. It's not a lot less than the Color Club one, but I feel like it does make a lot of difference (especially when you're like me and have trouble sitting still). It is quite a thick polish, which means it glides on quite nicely, and if you do nail art, it's less likely to smudge. I have repurchased this, and probably will continue to do so.

So there is my P10P review, I thought that a comparison would help. I'm sorry that I don't have swatches of these or pictures of how they work, but I hope this was useful. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below, or if you have any recommendations for me.

Signing off now,

Dusty Foxes

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